All of our Saturday events follow the 4:00 p.m. Mass and all of our Sunday events follow the 11:00 a.m. Mass. The location is the school Gym unless otherwise noted. Everyone is welcome to attend – you do not have to be a parishioner of Sacred Heart. Tickets can be purchased in the parish office two weeks prior to the event or the Saturday/Sunday prior to the dinner before or after the weekend Masses. We have no ticket sales at the door. All dinners are contingent upon willing and available chairpersons.
Coffee and rolls ~ served on Sunday after 11:00 a.m. Mass from September (after school begins) through May in the School Gathering Room. Free will offering.
Italian Dinner ~ 3rd Sunday in January
Valentine Dinner/Dance ~ the Saturday before Valentine’s Day
Lenten Soup & Bread Supper ~ On Wednesday evenings during Lent we have The Stations of the Cross at 6:00 p.m. Immediately following the Stations we have Soup and Bread suppers in the school Gathering Room. You are invited to bring a pot of soup or bread to share. There is no charge (free will offering).
The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Breakfast ~ follows the 8:00 a.m. Mass on the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus in June. There is no charge.
Mother/Daughter Banquet ~ Thursday after Mother’s Day – 5:30 social; 6:00 dinner.
Graduation Breakfast ~ for Graduates and families on the first Sunday in June. There is no cost for the graduates and family.
Autumn Dinner ~ 3rd Sunday in September.
Volunteer Appreciation ~ 3rd Sunday in October. All who volunteer for Sacred Heart are encouraged to come. There is no cost to the volunteers.
All Saints/All Souls Celebration ~ November 1. Sponsor a table-it is yours to invite friends and/or family and to decorate if you choose. The food will be provided, but if there is a special dish you would like on your table, bring it along.